opensuse 11 aplha 3
Monday, March 24, 2008

The highlight of course is the reworked ZYpp framework, which gives you a much faster package management experience. This release also contains a new and professional installer theme.
A lot of packages were also updated to newer versions:
linux kernel 2.6.25-rc5
GCC 4.3 final
GNOME 2.22 final
Compiz 0.7.2
KDE 4.0.2/3.5.9
Zypper 0.10.2
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There were 1855 checkins since Alpha2 - you can get a more complete list at Factory/News
Most Annoying Bugs
Due to the huge amount of changes, there are also quite a few bugs that slipped in:
The kernel OOPSes early in the installation on hardware probe on some hardware (Bug #371997)
Workaround: boot with hwprobe=-parallel,-misc.par [including VirtualBox]
“Use Automatic Configuration” checkbox is highly experimental, this feature is not yet finished.
the root password will be “*****” by default, feel free to change it
network startup is racy (Bug #359793)
the artwork is not yet complete (e.g. Bug #368624)
Find an up-to-date list under Bugs:Most_Annoying_Bugs_11.0_dev
Media and Download
We created the same media as with Alpha 2. They can all be downloaded at
i386 live CDs for GNOME and KDE
x86_64 and i386 one CD for GNOME and KDE
DVD for ppc, x86_64 and i386
language addon CD
non-oss addon CD